Monday, August 17, 2009

Back In Action ... Sorta



I kept looking this tab in my blogger feed thinking maybe I should update... maybe that'll motivate me. So far I don't exactly feel like going for a ten mile run, BUT I do think keeping on top of this would be a good thing. I hope Erica agrees.

New Goal: Wear earrings.

My mom, ever since I was 12, would ALWAYS tell me to wear earrings every single time I left the house. I was raging tomboy so I saw no need, but in an overall effort to "feel pretty" - I'm going to try it out.

I was cleaning out my purse this morning and two pairs of earrings I had shoved in a side pocket fell out. While putting those away I found a cute pair of mini CZs that I got from Claire's. I'm still tomboy enough to no want to rock real diamonds.

So now I'm wearing a pair of mini CZs and I must admit -- I do feel prettier.

We'll see what happens tomorrow.

Workout Jam of the Day (if I do indeed workout) : Ting Tings: That's not my Name.
